Expansion Approach

Phi Gamma Delta is serious about its commitments to expand the Fraternity to partner institutions. Therefore, when we expand to a new campus, the Fraternity stations a Growth Consultant onsite for the entire first semester. In that time, the Growth Consultant mentors the new provisional chapter through an ideal fraternity experience, complete with minimum standards expected of a chapter and full implementation of the Fraternity’s New Model.

During recruitment, Phi Gamma Delta honestly portrays our fraternity experience:

  • Recruitment events and initiatives from our Built to Lead program, attracting members who look for the experience we intend to provide.
  • Active communication about membership expectations, which attracts members who want to be held to high expectations.
  • Consistent reinforcement of our values and a thorough vetting process, attracting members who want to be part of something greater than themselves.

Leads Management & Vetting Process

Phi Gamma Delta utilizes ChapterBuilder to drive our expansion projects, and we expect our chapters to use this CRM in perpetuity. Through ChapterBuilder, the Fraternity enforces the following vetting criteria:

  1. Culture Fit: Deciding if an individual is a good social fit for the group – determined by the number and quality of endorsements that the potential new member (PNM) receives from brothers.
  2. Values Alignment: Determining if an individual adheres to the Fraternity’s values through both a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the individual’s past behavior, future plans and character.
  3. Risk Assessment: Factoring if the individual poses a threat to themselves, others or the chapter. PNMs are screened for the most common Fraternity risk factors and scored based on that assessment.

Expansion & Provisional Chapter Development Timeline

Pre-Expansion: Capacity Building

  • Staff establishes relationships on campus, chapter infrastructure and social media accounts.
  • The Growth Consultant contacts PNMs and on-campus stakeholders.
  • Advisors are selected, placed and trained.

Weeks 1-4: Initial Recruitment Push

  • Recruitment begins with on-campus events and tabling.
  • Staff hold meetings with university community members.
  • One-on-one meetings with PNMs are scheduled and completed.

Week 5: First Initiation

  • First initiation is conducted by graduate brothers and staff.
  • Members join graduate brothers for the “Not for College Days Alone” Dinner.
  • The provisional chapter holds their first chapter meeting.

Weeks 6-9: Foundation of Courage & Second Recruitment Push

  • The Growth Consultant appoints and trains officers/advisors, and chapter operations begin.
  • Foundation of Courage (new member education program) begins and lasts 21 days.
  • Recruitment continues with recruitment education and training provided to members.

Week 10: Second Initiation

  • The second initiation is conducted by undergraduates with staff assistance.
  • Foundation of Courage occurs on a one-day schedule.

Weeks 11-14: Consultant Transitions Chapter Operations

  • The provisional chapter hosts a retreat.
  • The Growth Consultant transitions more control of chapter operations to undergraduates.
  • Chapter satisfies any outstanding educational or programming requirements.

Week 15: Expansion Project Concludes

  • Undergraduates now fully oversee the provisional chapter’s operations.
  • The Growth Consultant departs campus.

Post-Expansion Project: Support Led By Growth Department

  • Chapter leadership meets bi-weekly with the Director of Fraternity Growth.
  • A Regional Consultant visits the chapter in-person.
  • The chapter demonstrates sustainability through independent operation.
  • The chapter works with Headquarters staff to submit their chartering petition.

Re-Expansion FAQs

The following guide is provided to answer graduate brothers’ frequently asked questions regarding the re-expansion process.

Why Has Phi Gamma Delta Decided to Return to Campus?

Phi Gamma Delta seeks to re-establish chapters if we feel there is strong local graduate support, a supportive Greek community and a healthy university environment. The decision has been carefully considered and approved by the Archons.

Will the Provisional Chapter Have the Chapter’s Greek Letter Designation & Be Aware of Our History & Heritage?


What Has Happened Prior to the Return?

Once Phi Gamma Delta sees potential for a successful return, our process is a result of months (or sometimes years) of staff preparation. This involves a written application to the school explaining Phi Gamma Delta’s history, vision and commitment to adding value to the community. It also involves at least one onsite visit to conduct a presentation and hold meetings with various undergraduate leaders and  administration and Greek life staff members.

How Are the Initial Provisional Chapter Members Recruited?

Phi Gamma Delta sends a Growth Consultant to campus for 15 weeks (see the Expansion Development Timeline above).

Graduate brothers are encouraged to send us referrals and will receive follow-up throughout the process. More information can be found on this page (above).

What Is the Timeline for Chartering?

Phi Gamma Delta believes it’s in the best interest of the provisional chapter and the Fraternity to abbreviate the provisional chapter period as much as possible. IHQ staff work with the undergraduate officers and graduate advisors to submit a chartering petition and have approval by the end of the chapter’s second semester of operation. However, at most, the Fraternity expects the chartering process to take no more than two years.

Since We Have Already Had a Chapter, Why Can't We Get Our Charter Back Immediately?

The provisional chapter as a whole receives additional benefits from the expansion process, as this process is the best way of ensuring long-term sustainability of a chapter. It is a luxury for undergraduates and graduates to receive the additional staff support, coaching and direction that the road to chartering presents.

What Is the Member's Organizational Status After Joining?

A provisional chapter’s new members are initiated and required to participate in Foundation of Courage (new member education) throughout the expansion process. More details can be found above.

How Will the Wait Affect Our Relationship With the Undergraduates?

As much as you allow it to. Undergraduates come into Phi Gamma Delta excited for the opportunity to meet graduate brothers and create a positive change on their campus. The provisional chapter/chapter distinction does not hinder their experience unless graduate brothers excessively reference it.

How Can I Learn More About Getting Involved?

You can learn more about Phi Gamma Delta’s New Model to Build Courage Leaders and Foundation of Courage program here. To attend events or learn about advising opportunities, contact our Director of Fraternity Growth.